Jan Svenungsson

Galleri Flach 1998, backstory

The exhibition at Galleri Flach in September 1998 was called "Psycho-Mapping Europe" and consisted of four parts. First there was the 20-part title work - presented as iris-prints - which consists of a map of Europe transformed, according to the psycho-mapping method, starting from a correct version with all the EU countries marked with different randomly chosen colours. This work was installed in the gallery's second room. In the front room could be seen the continuation of the iris-print series, in the form of five paintings which took off from the image #20 and continued the gradual degradation of Europe. In between these two rooms, in a small corridor, two loud-speakers were mounted on the wall; the rest of the equipment hidden from view; from these loudspeakers came the barely audible music composition "National Song", in continous rotation. Finally, in the office could be consulted the original drawings for the iris-prints. These drawings had been colored with watercolor, in contrast to the the prints' flat Photoshop colour fields, and therefor these drawings/watercolors empasized not so much the development of relations between European nations, as their internal struggles... Read John-Peter Nilsson's review .