Jan Svenungsson

"Psycho-Mapping the Current Crisis": diary page.

March 5-10, 2002
Paris - Caen
LECTURE at Ecole Normale, Rue d'Ulm - it goes well and feels very special...
I attend as many of the other lectures as possible (why have two simultaneously?) Kusama, Wols prison drawings
I think mine holds up well, I am just about the only artist among all the art historians
I note that 2/3 of the lecturers are women, but only one or two present a female artist, then somebody very famous
(Les Ecrits d'Artistes après 1945 - the writings of artists after 1945)
in Caen, at a cloister remade into a cultural centre. I meet Alain Robbe-Grillet and am surprised by his looks: like an old fisherman...
I also meet Catherine Millet who give brilliant exposé on Dali's Secret Life - a source of inspiration for her own book (which everybody likes). I buy it at the airport.

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