"En tidsmaskin på torget" being installed at Sjövikstorget, Stockholm, April 2009
Three views.
Finished project (19 views).
Transport and lifting in place of this 36 ton boulder (6 views). Along with two other artists, JS was invited in 2005 to compete for a permament art project for the then soon to be built new city
square Sjövikstorget, in Stockholm. The overall design of the square had already been awarded to landscape architect Thorbjörn
Andersson/Sweco. JS presented a project based on finding and installing three giant boulders (smoothered by the inland ice)
on the square. One (or all three) of these was to be engraved with newspaper headlines from the exact day when the boulders were
to be placed on the square. The third was to be placed in the shallow tilted pool, where it was to create a "splash" made of angular
slabs of granite, laid in to the pool's slate floor. In some of these slabs, the date referring to the selection of headlines was to be
engraved in relief. JS titled his project "En tidsmaskin på torget" (A Time Machine on the Square), and won the competition.
Due to the complicated building process of not just the art project but the square itself and the surrounding buildings,
the square was not inaugurated until June 4, 2009.
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