Jan Svenungsson -

"Här och nu och i morgon" 2009 – a public art installation indoors and outdoors at Slottegymnasiet, Ljusdal, Sweden

The commission was won in an invited competition, with two other artists, in 2008. Installation took place during spring 2009. The installed work consists of a six word sentence: I MORGON ÄR DET DIN TUR (Tomorrow it's your turn), which has been built into the (existing) brick facades of four school buildings, by exchanging selected bricks for darker, glaced bricks. At different locations inside the school six painted, framed images of the same words are installed, in a different order. Each such picture has one of the words as subject matter: I MORGON ÄR DET DIN TUR.

bricklayer Ronny Murare at work| JS' text on project | public art index | tomorrow ... 2000 | tomorrow... 1996 | tomorrow... 1993